Thursday, July 7, 2011

Slippery Slope

Dear Argenta,
What is the best lube for anal sex?

Dear Slippery when Wet,
Querido, there is no one answer to this question.  Try all different kinds to find what works best for you or ask a friend…um…I guessed you asked me, huh? 
Here is my take on it. As long as the lubricant is condom safe (water-based or silicone based) then I would use whatever.  There are a millón opciones!  Anything from Boy Butter (I really like saying that one) to KY.  They also come in all different sizes.  I would recommend that when you are out buying lube that you go to an Adult Bookstore or online, they usually have these little pillow packs that come in all different types.  Try those out! 
My second favorite es gratis, you know the free stuff that the Men of Illumenate give out.  They have these little pillow packs in all kinds of Flavors and types.  You should check it out, Papi! That way you can save money and have some fun doing it! (Ay, I am so pun-y)  
Whatever you choose, Papi; just make sure that you make healthy choices about sex!
Well, that is what I have to say about it.  So, I am sending you un beso grande y un abrazo fuerte! 
Gracias Querido for Asking Argenta!

Dear Argenta,
A friend recently told me that he liked me "More than friends".  I feel like this is a downward slope and I am not interested in anything but friendship from him, what do I do?

Dear Downward Slope,
Querido, this can be a very touchy subject for people.  Nobody likes rejection, however; it’s a fact of life.  My advice to you would be to sit him down and talk to him about this issue, if he is willing.   It takes a lot of courage to actually tell someone you like them.
There are some things that you should be prepared for.  You are going to bring up some emotion for this person and yourself.  It is hard to tell someone you care about that you don’t want to date them; because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.   Unfortunately, you are going to hurt their feelings.  So if your friend pulls away from you a little, that is okay.  Give them time and space to deal with the rejection.  You should also let him know that you don’t want to lose the friendship that you have.   
Sometimes in these situation emotions run deeper then you thought.  This could cause some problems in the way of a lot of rumors, talk, y Drama.  If you care about the relationship you do have you will do what mi mama always said “Cuanto menos se diga, major” (the less said the better).   Just let these things go. (that’s easy, es cierto?) 
Por otro lado, everything could be fine and at least you both understand the situation.  Let’s hope for that one! Pero Querido, don’t dwell on the subject either.  That is the worst thing.  I have una problema with that.  Dwelling on the situation will only make things worse, move forward.  I say this with caution…Move forward, with or without your friend. 
Well, that is what I have to say about it.  So, I am sending you un beso grande y un abrazo fuerte! 
Gracias Querido for Asking Argenta!

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